Being a new homeowner, it is important to check your home into every detail. Here is some advice for new construction homes Southfield MI current or soon-to-be owners. Take a closer look at these important factors to ensure that your houses are according to your plan.
New construction homes Southfield MI is a great way to find that perfect dream home—by building it. The idea of moving in a home which you are the first one to live in is definitely an exciting feeling for every homeowner. Thus, being the buyer, you have to ensure that the new construction Southfield MI home is perfectly flawless.
As you are paying a company to build a home that reflects everything you want, you have to make sure that everything is done according to your needs and wishes. Conquest Real Estate ( says that this is not something one should take lightly; as an investor, you will be paying a lot for the home, so you need to be certain that the people you have hired for the job are reliable and credible.
There are some aspects you need to check in your new construction homes Southfield MI, and Conquest Real Estate lists them down below:
· Doors and windows must open and close all the way, without sticking, binding or cracking.
· The foundation must be laid in strongly; there should not be markings of major cracks which indicate issues with the house’s strength.
· Trimmings should be smooth lines; paint jobs should be done with minimum errors. There must be no bulging or bulking and should be streamlined.
· Ceilings should be free from dark spots or stains, which could indicate that there may be leaks in the roof.
· Floors should be free from cracks and creaks as it reveals careless installation.
· Stairs must be of the same height, as unevenness may cause injury.
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